Antkowiak’s work explores modernist themes of isolation and alienation via the relationship between traditional painting and contemporary art technologies of digital video and photography.
Sarah Clifford-Rashotte
Frenetic in pace but calculated in composition Clifford-Rashotte’s work reflects a collision of contemporary themes of excess relating to the female persona and issues of desexualization.
Nicholas Di Genova
Drawing on the influence of anime, comic books, Otaku culture, and animal compendiums, the work of Nicholas Di Genova features an encyclopedic range of constructed creatures ranging from soft and nurturing to calculating and military.
Mitsuo Kimura
Kimura’s Ddnsely crafted paintings of animals and characters explore the concept of the earth as a pond in which all life exists, its joys, pains, and disappointments.
Tristram Lansdowne
Tristram Lansdowne’s paintings question ideas of permanence and function inherent in our constructed environments. Outmoded 20th century architectural ideas mix with present day urban environments in delicately painted watercolours, depicting incongruous, mysterious structures.
Megan McCabe
It is within the stillness of photographs and static images that McCabe seeks to draw out the underlying themes of relationships, co-existence and isolation in her practice.
Amanda Nedham
Primarily concerned with the various taxonomic functions of history, Nedham’s works on paper exhibit a technical proficiency and enamoured exploration of natural history’s complex and overlapping structures.
Tom Ngo
By merging painting with technical drafting Tom Ngo embarks on an exploration into the architectural absurd.
Craig Porter
Craig Porter’s work sets out to explore the tension of delicacy and destruction, employing various mould making, casting techniques and meshing diverse objects such as tentacles and yams; chrome Zeppelins and deer; chicken feet and scaffold into an intricate web of histories and fabrications.
Michael Taglieri
Taglieri’s rich large scale photographs focus on issues of the figure and the Canadian landscape.
Nathalie Thibault
Nathalie Thibault explores the rich history of gestural abstraction, allowing intuitive choices and gestural mark making to lead her to completion.
Scott Waters
Waters’ paintings and drawings explore the tensions and similarities between civilian and military culture, drawing from his personal and emotional experience as both an artist and a soldier.